It would have been a pity if I stopped trying all of a sudden. Life is a rollercoaster of emotions but what matters the most is how much we have tried.
Monkeys in packs, to dodge. Proud to be #your crazy functional cousins. the…left over from New York. Mayra Isla. Frank Agresti ....Elaine… - Jordan Mack - Let Nature take its course. By letting each thing act in accordance with its own nature, Everything that needs to be done gets done. Get Empowered Mama Meet Up....boys . You Beautiful , Gorgeous , Sexy , and Pretty .ENGLISH words, for the wise. Dear SHEEP, I'd rather look a fool and be wrong than be right and fail to act. -"Conspiracy Theorist''.'THOSE WHO TELL THE STORIES RULE SOCIETY PLATO'.
Stranger to friend, off craigslist, hand to hold, for a time, not learning for common cattle, simple, slow, or stupid, do you feel me. I like to write, to recap, and recall the events that left an impression, call me crazy, weird, or strange, it does not matter to me, have to push the shit out, marching forward to a better day .
Veterans Later In Life. Rites For Seats, Dollars And Sense, Rats, Roaches, Rainbow Racers:COME TOGETHER RIGHT NOW.One of the best. Love, lights, lessons, songs in the winds.PERFECTION Dope Sleeve. Love this . Skins Colored. Love, Luck...THOSE WHO TELL THE STORIES RULE SOCIETY PLATO'If you believe in Karma send this message to 14 friends including me, if I don't get it back I guess I'm not one of them.
Every morning there’s a new opportunity to be a happier version of yourself..Nuts To Grow. Dances With Wolves. JUST SAYING. FROGS, SPIDERS AND SNAKES, FRIENDS IN THE WILD, EATEN ALIVE, BACK IN TIME, COINS TO FLIP.NO MATTER How Badly Life Treated You Last Year... Just Walk Tall With Your Head High,
This. Changes. Everything.Stay active and just keep moving..."“Tinkerbelle Melody” VETERANS. 'WE'RE STILL DEBATING IF IT'S OKAY TO GIVE VETERANS MEDICAL MARIJUANA FOR PTSD.Houses Of May:Asset Finders. BoooooooooooooooooooM!A goal is a dream with a deadline.
Crook,thief, liar, words in waves. history created, not news today. Deborah Calip RN at JPS Health Network John Peter Smith Hospital The University of Texas at Arlington Arlington, Texas, United States .Only for a fee, not for her father, just stole,everything he had, to say, hit the road, Jack Bailey,no place for you here.
History recorded, not news today, love and hate, horns of a goat, coins to flip, cons to run, daily dances , until the fat lady sings.Daddy died, Walter Richard Bailey JR, Feburary 2, 1935-October 15, 2021. I was there, I saw his face, as the lights went out. Where were the others? Deborah Calip, came to see him once, when he was getting ready to die, to tell him, I stole your land, I stole your house, and now I can not wait for you ton die, so I can have ashes. Your house is gone, but the trees that were in front of your house is still there.
At the end of life, common skills, were lost, not able to talk, not able to stand in the end. Man worked all his life, 3 wives, 9 kids, one house in the county to share. That did not happen, had to hide from third wife, so Deborah Diane Bailey Calip, stole instead.
A life to remember, take the house, tear it down, take the land, rights to work to share with kids, not going to happen, wishes of the dead. Walter Richard Bailey, Jr. February 2, 1935- October 15, 2021. Happy Dazes, Songs To Sing, Family Affairs, Nuts To Grow, Bill Bailey, Back At Home: 83: Texas Roots, Cali Chicks, Babes, Faces In The Crowds.
This. Changes. Everything.Stay active and just keep moving..."“Tinkerbelle Melody” VETERANS. 'WE'RE STILL DEBATING IF IT'S OKAY TO GIVE VETERANS MEDICAL MARIJUANA FOR PTSD.Houses Of May:Asset Finders. BoooooooooooooooooooM!A goal is a dream with a deadline.It would have been a pity if I stopped trying all of a sudden. Life is a rollercoaster of emotions but what matters the most is how much we have tried. Great day on the right side of the grave, songs to sing, birds and bees in the dogwood trees. Joy to the world, seasons of love for one another, love,luck, lessons,dances in the rain, good times, daily events.
It would have been a pity if I stopped trying all of a sudden. Life is a rollercoaster of emotions but what matters the most is how much we have tried.
THE Real U: Blue Dreams In Motion: Fairy Tales: Waves Made:When we learn important things, to not publish is a political act,” said Dean Baquet, executive
Watch out for them, dicks, dogs, and cock suckers, cash to credit, party and play, Steven Jarrot, nuts on the run, dogs, dicks and suckers. Crooks,… - Maya Moore - 'Small steps in the right direction doubting are better than big ones in the wrong direction.'
Jason Bubbles The Jerusalem Post,Earth Angels: Rats To Races, Free Rides, Holiday Hits And Misses, Joys To The Worlds. Ready for What?You reap what you sow. Be mindful of your behavior and how you treat others.Pilar Dsilvas' Blog,RAZZLE DAZZLE!Rather consensus.'Lavigne - JBL
Witches, Bitches And Babes, Dreams In Actions, Head Counts.To Bury, To Burn, Dust In The Winds, Graves For You, Graves To Me, Bones In A Box, Rest In Peace.
Nazi and prison camps, every ride from the parking radar. Practice how to die, in a camp of Nazi, history to note.Hope all your days are filled with sunshine and clear skies, and may your tomorrows be something to write home about.
Madness, Windows In Heaven: Sinners And Saints:Witches, Bitches And Babes, Dreams In Actions, Head Counts.To Bury, To Burn, Dust In The Winds, Graves For You, Graves To Me, Bones In A Box, Rest In Peace.
Hi.Shooting Curses, Slaves – Just A Touch Of Love.Jewish whales on land. Rocky/Rachel Jarrot-Class of 2013-La Quinta, Cali Cow to Colorado Buffalo Bison and cattle do fly..760 851 2267. Classes Of Snakes, Classes On Sands Of Time .Be with someone who would drive five hours, just to see you for one. DICKS OR DOGS, DOCTOR IS IN THE OVEN, DOING ADJUSTMENTS. STEVEN JARROT, FROG PRINCE, WHALE BEACHED, 7608512267. NOTHING BUT A HELL HOUND.Prince Frogg, Steve Jarrot, WILL read this post and finally realize that yes you are a FUCKIN ASSHOLE. So go back to sucking your mommies titties and enjoy your new title and while you are at it shove your head back up your ass.Classes Of Snakes, Classes On Sands Of Time .Be with someone who would drive five hours, just to see you for one.
Madness, Windows In Heaven: Sinners And Saints:Witches, Bitches And Babes, Dreams In Actions, Head Counts.To Bury, To Burn, Dust In The Winds, Graves For You, Graves To Me, Bones In A Box, Rest In Peace.
Hi.Shooting Curses, Slaves – Just A Touch Of Love.Jewish whales on land. Rocky/Rachel Jarrot-Class of 2013-La Quinta, Cali Cow to Colorado Buffalo Bison and cattle do fly..760 851 2267. Classes Of Snakes, Classes On Sands Of Time .Be with someone who would drive five hours, just to see you for one.
Stay active and just keep moving..."“Tinkerbelle Melody” VETERANS. 'WE'RE STILL DEBATING IF IT'S OKAY TO GIVE VETERANS MEDICAL MARIJUANA FOR PTSD.Witches, Bitches And Babes, Dreams In Actions, Head Counts.To Bury, To Burn, Dust In The Winds, Graves For You, Graves To Me, Bones In A Box, Rest In Peace.
Watch out for them, dicks, dogs, and cock suckers, cash to credit, party and play, Steven Jarrot, nuts on the run, dogs, dicks and suckers. Crooks,… - Maya Moore - 'Small steps in the right direction doubting are better than big ones in the wrong direction.'
Sexy, Fit, And Fab, Sirens: Books To Read, Leaders, Lessons, Learners.Joy In The Mornings, Peace And Happiness, Wits 2. Wishes, Hopes,Defined: Hang On: Pains Ends. No: Next Opening. Faces In The Light Of The Moons. Silent Knights, Frogs, Spiders And Snakes In The Grass. Fridays daily, dream life on hold, woman for man, not going to stop, magic moment, wishes on stars, dreams in works.“Style is knowing who you are, what you want to say, and not giving a damn.” –Orson...You? BLESSED ALWAYS..Walter Weber Big business and government have been conning people a long time. I will forward this write-up to him. Pretty sure he will have a good read. Gates To Heaven.

Meghan Trainor - Lips Are Movin....Struggle is not the only way...The Shadows, In The Dark, Reapers Of Good And Evil. ..Love and light, pink and purple, colors of hope and love, hands in the air, thanks for another day. The Shadows, In The Dark, Reapers Of Good And Evil.
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